This is a concept which allows to apply the Ascianan concept of “timing” in a minimal degree. Basically, it consists of designing gestural…
Concepts and Expressions
Let’s talk about the hierarchy of the hands, it’s applicable to all techniques and is very important: There’s one hand that carries, which…
Certain techniques presented Gabi with the possibility to extend the concept of the “intelligent breaks” coined by Arturo de Ascanio, to any technique…
The “Give Away” concept was coined by Gabi to refer to a technique of construction whereby a magical effect (and/or secret move) is…
Gabi pointed out how in literature there’s a distinction between writer and narrator, in theater between actor and character. As such, for magic…
This concept refers to the importance of taking care that a particular moment in the routine, typically in the climax, display a clear…
There is some terminology throughout Gabi’s thinking / theory, which might seem very confusing if you are not familiar with them. But once…